Please email us or send and ask to our Cohost page. Include as much info as you can, like what you were doing that caused the bug so we can recreate it and hopefully figure out what happened.
Lighthouse is a system-focused website, therefore it is a place to store data on yourself as a whole and as a system. Having said that, there are certain pieces of information that we collect and store.
Lighthouse will always collect, regardless of activity:
Lighthouse can collect this data, if you elect for it to do so. Participating in these activities on Lighthouse will opt you into this data being collected and stored:
Lighthouse is never going to ask for demographic information to advertise to you. This is a tool our system used that is being adapted for others to use, too.
When you delete your account, everything gets deleted. We do not store your data after you delete your account for privacy's sake and to save space on our end.
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